"In film, we sculpt time, we sculpt behaviour and we sculpt light." — DAVID FINCHER
My name is Tim and I work mainly within digital media with a focus on video production, motion graphics and graphic design. Having built a foundation of both theoretical and practical knowledge within the medium of media arts in SIAT, the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University, I gained a strong interest in video production and learned many techniques on producing an emotionally fluid final piece through editing.
Throughout the years of being an SFU student and working on the side, I have gained a lot of experience in filmmaking ranging from creating a personal film project, participating in film competitions and working with clients. These allowed me to grasp the essence of what it's like to work in different environments in order to achieve my best work possible.
With an evergoing interest in the art of video production, I strive to unfold engaging stories and evoke emotion through the camera lens and in post production.
Throughout the past years, my projects vary in diverse mediums, specifically creating digital media tools to support strategic priorities for my clients with the use of graphic design and motion graphics. My most recent notable works consist of a wide range of digital materials to support Fraser Health’s COVID-19 response and campaigns.